AURORA features:
- Range 0-400 ppmv
- Lower Detection Level: 50 ppbv (parts per billion)
- Utilizes many of the same design features of the Aurora-H20 including: Electronics enclosure, display, user interface
- cFMus Class 1 Div1 certification for the USA & Canada, ATEX & IEC Ex for Europe and other global localities
- Programmable 4-20mA signal. RS-232/485 digital interface with Modbus & Foundation Fieldbus option
- AuroraView – Utility software for remote set up, trend graphing & diagnostics
- Optional calibration system – may be programmed to run on demand or at a specific time (Regen Time)
- “Multi Pass Optical Cell (specially curved mirrors)”: To measure trace levels of moisture (<5 ppmv) a long path length is required. In the Aurora Trace the path-length is 30 meters vs. 1 meter for Aurora H2O resulting in 30X the sensitivity.
- Utilization of a vacuum cell is a time proven method of producing a high resolution signal. Analyzers using this method have been applied to semiconductor and air separation industry.
- The GE-Aurora-Trace is the 1st analyzer to apply this technique to a rugged explosion proof system
- The signal at trace level moisture concentrations (<5 ppmv) is 5X that of TDLAS system operating at atmospheric pressure.
- ZERO-CALIBRATION for 5 years !